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  Effortless Persuasion
Our Effortless Persuasion program is about precision communication in Sales and Business Development. You can close significantly more business when needs, desires and possibilities are properly understood. 
There is a time and place for facts and figures. What you are presenting has to compute logically and make sense. The trick is that you don’t just make things make sense.  You can propel others towards your ideas and proposals by making them exacting in the way they fit needs and desires, creating meaningful possibilities.
You will learn the specific skills which create the gravitational pull towards your ideas, products or services, whilst maintaining the integrity of your relationships so that your clients want to work with you continuously, and then refer more new business to you.

Our programme consists of two on-site in person days, and is then followed up with eight weekly coaching sessions to ensure nothing is left in the training room.
Participants will learn how to:
  • Apply the latest understandings of neuroscience and psychology which support the models of persuasion;
  • Form the precision and self-control for excellence in communication delivery;
  • Easily establish strong rapport;
  • Elicit high quality information and build exacting propositions;
  • Turn objections into opportunities;
  • Elegantly use the significant language patterns which impact neurology and create desire states;
  • Close more business.

High performing sales and business professionals are people who excel at communicating their ideas to gain the co-operation and ‘buy-in’ from others. Their thoughts and, consequently, their words affect the behaviours and decisions of others. They intuitively build receptive states which create desire. The most successful in this regard have an understated humbleness, calmness and assuredness which form an effective basis for their interactions. This is the way of Effortless Persuasion.

This programme teaches excellence in selling and business communication, which is far detached from the behaviours of a stereotypical transactional salesperson. The skills learned are highly effective and the programme is designed for committed individuals whose work is underpinned with values and integrity, and only for people who believe in what they do for their clients. This is a journey into the detailed mindset and language patterns of successful persuasion.

Copyright 2023, Persuence Ltd
