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Effortless Interviews
Are you someone who ordinarily performs well in your roles and wants to perform at your very best during critical situations, like a job interview?

During critical high pressure moments do you create negative personal states inside which affect your ability to engage with people as well as you would like?

This coaching session is for the significant number of people who seem to have misplaced performance anxiety in interviews, or other important meetings.

This on-line personal one-to-one coaching session provides you with the tools to make the changes so that you are free to relax and be at your optimal best when you need to be. Using the latest in Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques, you will learn how to generate the useful resourceful states which will help you focus on the important matters in hand.

Over the last thirty years Allan has been involved in organising and preparing people in literally thousands of interview situations. These are critical junctures in your life and many people seem to be very good at creating unnecessary pressure for themselves, losing the ability to communicate with the clarity required to convince others of their value. You will be surprised how easy it is to make the changes you need to massively improve your performance.

Copyright 2023, Persuence Ltd
