Book A Call
Allan Smith is the founder of Persuence
and underpins his training and coaching

experience with over thirty years in business
As a business owner and sales leader, I always hesitated when thinking about engaging an external sales trainer. It would have been great to have the support of someone with a selling track record who had walked a few miles in my shoes. I was always disappointed with what was out there.

The problem seemed to be that the majority of sales trainers hadn’t enough life and business experience to do much more than present a deck of slides, together with some pre-prepared content. I then came upon Dr. Robert Cialdini’s work on influence and Dr. Richard Bandler’s creation of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). That was over twenty-five years ago.

The programme I’ve put together is the culmination of the training I’ve undertaken, its’ practical application, and the training and coaching of many who have had great success. I’ve used this stuff extensively, and I’ve trained and coached relentlessly.
I’m a Founding Member of the Cialdini Institute and a Cialdini Certified Professional. Why does this matter? Robert Cialdini is regarded as the world’s leading thinker in Persuasion and Influence, and his work is worth studying. He is considered the “Godfather of Influence,” and his evidence-based Seven Principles of Persuasion are cornerstones of the sales practices at companies such as Google, Microsoft, Cisco, Kimberly-Clark, Coca-Cola, KPMG, Ericsson, Merrill Lynch, Nationwide Insurance, Prudential, Kimberly-Clark, Harvard University, RE/MAX, Thomson Reuters, Ogilvy... the list is endless.

I’m certified as a NLP Trainer and Master Business Practitioner with the co-creator of NLP, Dr. Richard Bandler, and I’ve trained with him since 1997. NLP is a model for excellence, and my interest has always been in its value and practical application in Sales and Business Development.

My book, Effortless Persuasion, was published this year and is a guide through some of the key elements of my work.

Book A Call
"Allan is more than generous in sharing what makes up his strategies for success. As a business consultant and trainer, Allan is well-skilled in both presenting information and getting to the point of critical change when helping others."

John La Valle

President of the Society of NLP,
Author of Persuasion Engineering with Dr Richard Bandler

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